new features in this release of Xenu's Link Sleuth: Please save the previous version of XENU.EXE "just in case" :-) 6.8.2004 (1.2f) Major improvements: - Real setup - Status code for redirections - Context menu: Open in Google Cache - Context menu: Open in Wayback Machine - Context menu: Open Alexa Minor improvements: - Max-Level also "connected" to the URL - Compiled on Windows XP - List of unfinished threads when closing - Don't display ODP context menu for broken links - "Display error" mentioned in Properties Box when too many links - Look for subdirectories when doing orphan searches - Remove "file:///" when launching local URLs without DDE - Change "\" to "/" for "file://" URLs because of problems with Opera 7.5 Bug fixes: - report as "XXXX.htm" instead of "XXXX.tmp.htm" - Deletes TGH*.* files also when limited number of levels - Can work with "location: " instead of "Location: " - Correct time in report (minute and second were mismatched) - ReportStatistics and ReportOrphans flags in .XEN file - No error message when click "not on a line" - Prevent re-entrancy of vAttention() when e-mailing report 28.9.2003 (1.2e) Major improvements: - Remote Orphans - Bugfix for sites > 65535 links: m_FromTab set to 32bit - timeout feature (default: 60 secs) - STOP button in addition to the PAUSE toolbar button - Scan https:// websites with bad certificate - Validate URL with right mouse click Minor improvements: - Skip irc://, mms://, rtsp://, pnm://, wtai:// -
instead of "=========" in report - in report, so that it is correct HTML - "Normalization" of URLs in include/exclude list - Len = 0 when file error with http GET - OpenRequest() with INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES - Site Map recursion warning - "//" in URL after the host name is not "broken" when part of "http://" or "https://" - empty line in report after local link error for a page - Local orphans case insensitive - Automatic retries only when m_bBusy - CInternetSession local to thread, to make STOP possible - "" instead of "" comparison, to avoid extra menu item for dmoz-internal links - Properties at right-mouse-key always the last item - Make current item visible after sort - More random spidering to balance the load - Url Sort case unsensitive - Buffer overflow bug in unknown errors removed 14.9.2002 (1.2d) - "//" in URL after the host name is not "broken" when after a "?" - Corrected bug that local non-HTML files would be downloaded in full - Corrected GUI bug in "new" dialog - Converted %5F to _ - Change in cmdline version about profile reading (Matching now done before Normalization) 16.7.2002 (1.2c) -
checked - Skip - Logo in About-Box changed - Min Level can be 0 - CTRL-Numpad-ADD to resize all columns - Attempt at Orphan files - Improved speed - Better method for Url lookup - no UrlTable search in ctor of CLinkInfo - check for "txt", "jpg" etc more efficient - m_csRootURL tested in bIncluded() - CLinkInfo::vAddFromURL more efficient - Internal function bHasBrokenToURLs() more efficient - Corrected weird bug in initial Combo-Box - Changed Text in NEW Dialogbox - Compiled with VC++ 6 22.7.2001 (1.1f) - Changed User-Agent string to Xenu Link Sleuth because of problems with many websites, e.g. 21.7.2001 (1.1e) - CTRL-W and CTRL-Q shortcuts for Close and Exit - Ability to consider hard redirections as errors - Changed character in User-Agent string from ' to ´ 2.7.2001 (1.1d) - new error "no info to return" for empty web pages - corrected bug about saving to tab file when file exists - added statistics for managers :-) - HEAD command also for .zip, .exe .swf (saves bandwidth) - serializing requests for name/password - changed include/exclude so as to work only on the *beginning* of URLs (don't forget to start them with "http"!) (1.1c) - Added some extra error messages - Saving columns width - Adjusting column width with double-click - e-mail feature - removed from report - added LAYER SRC, IFRAME SRC and IMG LOWSRC - sort URLs in broken link section of the report - HEAD command also for .txt, .png, .rtf and .pdf (saves bandwidth) (1.1b) - Added - file:/// instead of file:// - added BGSOUND - Compiled with VC++ 5.0, smaller - Can now launch URLs even with registry poorly configured - URLs of the report open in new window - Property box with Link Text / Title - URLs for include/exclude are "bound" to the URL (1.1a) - [ and ] in URLs - corrected bug in CODEBASE (must add "/" if not there) - corrected bug that deleted include/exclude fields - improved include/exclude dialog - added text for error 300 - corrected bug about password sites (1.0w 14.4.2000) - PLUGINSPACE in EMBED tag now checked - APPLET now checked, with CLASS and ARCHIVE, relative to CODEBASE (1.0v 7.4.2000) - EMBED tag now checked - "Options" in the "New" dialog - "Return to top" in Report - Corrected bug in site map: broken links are not included - Now converting more &blah; characters - Titles get also converted - converting &blah; characters before normalizing - convert &# characters in URL - can now handle URLs like http://user:password@host/ or ftp or https - export always exports *all*, regardless of the view. - sadly an old bug is back in: URLs with "\" are not recognised as broken. - Links that start with "/../" are considered to be broken (1.0u 15.10.1999) - "skip these" feature - this really excudes URLs - &U for Check URL menu (1.0t 9.9.1999) - corrected /./ bug - added CTRL-B to switch between views (1.0s 12.8.1999) - "normalizing" received URLs. Advantage: hostnames always converted into lower case. - considering all pending URLs with the same host as failed when timeout, connection failed, or similar - moved the "Browse..." button - changed the URL combining method, now using Microsoft's InternetCombineURL() instead of my own algorithm - proxy authentication now supported - corrected bug with ' (1.0r 29.5.1999) - Corrected bug with image maps (1.0q 29.5.1999) - include titles of links - include / exclude - allowing the use of ' - corrected bug re: e.g. "src" being used *before* the actual "src" word - new tags: link, script (the applet tag will come in a later version) - removed empty sequences in the report - date in the title of the report - corrected bug re: HTML pages with CR only - set "text/html" for local files - save size of columns (1.0p 8.1.1999) - corrected bug about URL-in-URL - convert & when in URLs - REFRESH META Tag - Focus set to OK after entering local file - remote URLs with "\" now always fail (because netscape cannot handle them) 13.10.1998 (1.0o) - corrected bug that prevented checking local files with a space in it - corrected bug that thread count was not updated when finished - corrected bug that ignored http:/host/directory error - added banners If anyone has locations that offer banners, please e-mail me. I would advertise for non-profit organisations that deal with human rights or environmental topics. Attention - I will only use banners that I like, and link to organisations that I like. 5.9.1998 (1.0n) - Can check local files - useful for people who don't want to install a local WWW server; simplified toolbar / initial window - "Check External" in INI file for new windows - "Show Broken Links Only" in INI for new windows - Corrected "//" bug for - Added random seed for banner (actually, uploaded this already on 17.7) - included HTML file in the ZIP file - RegisterShellFileTypes(FALSE) to prevent the "new" and "print" in the registry for new users - Errors between 1 and 199 are also "errors" - maximize MDI child when opening - Randomize checking, so that there is less volume on just one host (reduces peak volume on the ISP who hosts the site being checked) - Slight change in report because of OPERA bug with

16.7.1998 (1.0m) - Added banners in report - corrected the "406" bug 24.6.1998 (1.0l) - Added a column at the right (error text). - removed "DELETE_ON_CLOSE" technique, didn't work on Windows NT due to different OS behaviour. Sorry! 5.6.1998 (1.0k) - Changed ftp access completely. It is now reliable, but won't work with proxies. - more than 32767 URLs - Optimized HTML parser 18.4.1998 (1.0j) (I was on vacation, and I am still behind in my other activities, so no "big" new feature this time) - no need to enter "http://" in the NEW dialog box - Cool Xenu icon! See on the page above. - CTRL-R for "retry broken links" - Removed "search" from context menu (nothing was associated with it) 6.2.1998 (1.0i) - URL launch should now work properly with Netscape Communicator 1.2.1998 (1.0h) - added "export to TAB separated file" for Excel (for Marc) - added max level - 100% CPU usage problem solved (Miguelito) / changed idle processing - Site Map - URL launching improved (but still not perfect) 25.12.1997 (also 1.0g) - corrected "%26" endless loop bug (Electronic Telegraph) 24.12.1997 (1.0g) - added lots of new options (for Stu) - chose what you want to have in the report - chose to "fail" passworded sites - changed the way that URLs are launched: now with DDE so that only one instance (but another window) of Netscape comes up. Behaviour with IE and Opera might be different - corrected "text/html;...." bug (for Hanno) - you can now launch URLs with ENTER - you can now get the property box with ALT-ENTER - force reload for every call --> INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD (for Doug) - changed initial dialog box, after two users didn't realize that one has to input only one URL, and not every page of the site - removed unused toolbar icons and menu elements 23.11.1997 (1.0f) - corrected bug that made it difficult to check local or very fast sites - corrected minor bug in Properties Dialog - Added column with link level - Added error message for wrong input - Added different tries for image maps 12.10.1997 (1.0e) - list of redirected URLs (useful because certain ISPs, e.g. do not provide proper error returns, instead they redirect to an error page) - checking of targets of redirected URLs (this often leads to more broken links, as lots of sites make automatic redirection without checking if the target site exists) - ftp & gopher list for manual check - added tips how to repair broken links in the FAQ - retry mechanism enhanced (for sites that fail with the HEAD command) - error handler improved (open file problem) - status line accuracy improved 7.9.1997 (1.0d) - "Find" dialog box - # of threads can be configured (watch your TCP/IP line glow!) - corrected bug related to titles that do not end - added authorization for "simple" password sites (HTTP error 401) (will not work with web-based passwords, e.g. NY Times) 24.8.1997 (1.0c) - HTML report, so that you can view with your browser - % of checked URLs in the status bar - URL list to chose from in "new" dialog box - Automatic retry with GET when certain conditions are met that suggest that the server cannot process the HEAD command ( ,, ) - corrected display bug in "Reset Item" feature - corrected bug when http:// in the middle of an URL ( used this) - corrected bug that incorrectly processed URLs that started with a space - corrected bug when saving while busy, that made reloading crash 15.8.1997 (1.0b) - now handled correctly ( used it) - "Reset Item" feature to recheck a single broken URL - Automatic saving of window placement in INI file - Error msg when trying to check non-http/https sites - Reports are deleted when the next report is made (*** Please go to your temp directory and delete all the TGH*.* files) - "Scroll bug" found and removed! - Now possibility to check your bookmark file - found column click bug, corrected, implemented time sorting - New column: server. - New column: title. - Properties Dialog Box 10.8.1997 - ability to save & restore - complete list of URLs (good to submit to a search engine) - new icons - # of threads in status line - correct size of dynamic html files - "copy" and "launch URL" function in menu and popup menu - launch report all the time